SBR Tax Office Error code CMN.ATO.AS.EM137
If you're using FreeAccountingSoftware (If you're running a fairly straight-forward operation then I'd suggest checking it out) and you get this error message when trying to retrieve SBR Activity Statements:
Error, CMN.ATO.AS.EM137, There are no activity statements matching your selection. Change your criteria.,
Then your issue might be an incorrect "Branch" code in your SBR Settings. In FreeAccountingSoftware, go to "Organisation SBR Details" (in the SBR section below "Reports"), and update your "Organization Branch Code". You can find your branch code on a previous BAS (including the pre-printed forms) - it's usually displayed after your ABN. Don't include any leading zeros.
Full credit to Glen at Free Accounting Software who detailed the fix in This forum post, but since it's not indexed by Google (the first place I looked) I figured it might be handy to have here - and may apply to other users of SBR software.
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